PrimaVest® - SOFT-2

Reliable, phosphate-bonded investment which is produced for many years. For the crown, bridge and inlay technique with very good surface quality and bridge span widths. The expansion with non-precious metal alloys is sufficient for wax modelling.

Use the liquid PrimaVest®-Konzentrat Spezial (red, standard) or PrimaVest® - Konzentrat Universal PLUS (blue) or PrimaVest®- Konzentrat Universal (clear) for an better surface quality ( only for gold, expansion not sufficient for non-precious metal). You need about 500 ml liquid for 4kg powder.

Portion Bags:

26x 150 g or 52x 150 g


2x 2 kg, 4x 2 kg, 8x 2 kg, 16x 2 kg, 32x 2 kg

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